Alina Belyagina & Amie Jammeh | Image we combat with

Anita Owsianna | DEFECT
Anna Adam & Rebeka Petra Kiss | Secret Garden
Avan Amir Weis | hyster
Christina Heurig | 78 Stunden
Feng Jiang | U.S. (Unwholesome Shelter)
Ginny Sol | Abstract Self Portraits
Hybris | All Satisfaction Makes Rich
Iris Forstenlechner & Julia Knaß | Persephone Giving Birth To Her Underworld
Jungwoon Kim | Supertoys
Katharina Holstein-Sturm | Rot
Laura Arena
Lisa Jureczko | Fragmentierte Realitäten

Maria Lucka | Fragmented Glitches
Maruhni | Don’t call us

Nick Lee | Appreciation for the Scholar and the Divine Mother
Samiya Younis | Haven, Flight & I am Hybrid
Stéphanie Barbetta | Substance Brute
Yume No Yukari | Where have all the flowers gone, Disintegration & Disappearing Slowly
Aesthetic Journaling Workshop für BIPOC Gender Minorities
mit Ajayini Sathyan